Young Family Build $7k Tiny Cabin in 2 Weeks
The plans John chose to build the cabin were actually inspired by designs for sheds! The costs were kept at a minimum, due to bargain-hunting, homemade curtains and bed linens, and even trash-can diving! I think you’ll agree that the cabin is truly a work of love and partnership!
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Pamela is a writer and blogger and Tiny House Talk is excited to have her on our team helping us share more inspiring #tiny houses and stories on simple living with you.
The first thing that came to my mind was, “What state is this in? What state will allow this kind of off-the-grid build without a whole lot of hassles?” Then it occurred to me that we need a list of states with areas or counties that still allow TH and THOW builds on a private parcel without the City Council and Chamber of Commerce creating problems.
Tammy and John built this tiny, 180 square foot tiny cabin (with the help of a friend) to use for weekend trips with their two small children and dog. The cabin itself is obviously very small, but many features make it appear more open, such as translucent corrugated fiberglass panels and an attached deck and yard for the children and dog to play.
Perhaps I can save some of you some money. If you are building on a trailer, that is one thing, but building on your land….there is something called the International Residential Code that is in play internationally… matter where you build. Do not let someone lead you astray or tell you otherwise. The IRC can be accessed online. The last printed edition was 2012. There are other codes for electric, plumbing, etc. that are coupled with it, but the IRC is the MINIMUM allowed for any area. If someone tells you the building codes do not exist for a specific area, they are LYING! Follow the IRC! There may be areas that are not prosecuting you….yet…..for not following the IRC, but as they are advertised, they will be investigated. Since the IRC contains minimum requirements, many states and local jurisdictions (county / city) are fully within their rights to require tighter requirements in any area of the codes. Hope this helps you save some money. Living tiny is a great idea, but if you build a structure that is not up to code according to the IRC plus the local and state adopted code books, be aware that problems could ensue. If you are going to use solar power, check the codes for that. If you are using composting toilets, make sure the minimum code requirements are met. Building codes may seem a nuisance, but are there for your safety (at least that is the way they were written). I am planning to build a tiny home very soon…but am attempting to incorporate safety into my home. Some of the things I see in some homes do not match my definition of “safe” for me. Hope this saves someone a few bucks. You can go online and check a given area / state for their building codes.