Home Winterizing Tips To Help You Save Money
* Know how energy efficiency is measured. The most crucial energy efficiency rating is U-factor.
* Investigate the new generation of high-tech building products. Composite materials, such as energy-efficient fiberglass doors, have become more extensively attainable to homeowners. These materials protect against the forces of nature that cause the most worry: temperature changes, severe storms, moisture, and insects.
Frequently the causes are inefficient windows and doors that jeopardize the home’s “envelope” – the fixtures and surfaces that help control indoor temperatures and offer protection from the elements.
Jeld-Wen offers these additional tips:
Hold a lighted candle near closed windows and doors. You’ll see if cold air is infiltrating indoors or warm air is seeping out.
* Take advantage of passive solar heating. Use insulated window coverings and close them at night. Open up south-facing window coverings during the day.
Any leak in the home’s envelope hits the budget hard and fast. The energy lost by windows alone can account for 10 percent to 25 percent of a household’s heating expense, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
* Think about Energy Star-qualified products. Appliances and other household goods that have gone through extensive testing will save money on energy bills during all seasons. The Environmental Protection Agency states that a typical household can save up to 30 percent on energy bills, about $400 per year, by selecting Energy Star-qualified products.
“Now is the time to spend a little bit of extra effort evaluating your home to make sure fixtures are in the best possible condition for combating cold, wet weather,” said Joyce Richter, windows expert for Jeld-Wen, a window and door manufacturer. “Look for warping or cracks that indicate replacements or repairs are needed.”.
As cold weather draws near, homeowners experience a different kind of heat – significant energy bills and expensive repairs, commonly due to damage from moisture in the home.